Dermatofunctional physiotherapeutic approach through electro-physical agents and high frequency in pressure ulcers, case report
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pressure ulcers
high frequency
dematofunctional rehabilitation

How to Cite

Umaña-Trejos YA. Dermatofunctional physiotherapeutic approach through electro-physical agents and high frequency in pressure ulcers, case report. Rev Ter [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];18(2):91-101. Available from:


This article presents the case of an 86-year-old male patient with a pressure ulcer in the sacral region. The use of electromagnetic stimuli has proven useful in the management of any skin lesion because the effect of its stimulus generates a release of fibroblasts and macrophages in the affected areas, effectively allowing endogenous bioelectricity, which is an essential factor in the healing process.  Both electrical modalities and high frequency of dermatofunctional use were applied, promoting the patient's recovery. We conclude that electrophysical agents are ideal resources to facilitate the endogenous process and tissue repair. The correct evaluation of the wound and clinical reasoning are essential from the first day of treatment; constant evaluation is essential for the correct dosage of the agents used because there are no established protocols for this type of injury.

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