Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide and nationally. Cardiovascular rehabilitation is a therapeutic process that reduces symptoms, number of hospitalizations, morbidity and mortality, improves exercise capacity and tolerance, improves blood lipid levels, improves functional capacity, quality of life and psychological well-being of people. with cardiovascular disease. At the national level, cardiovascular rehabilitation programs traditionally include health education focused on the control of cardiovascular risk factors, physical training, with aerobic work plus psychosocial intervention, without including the strength component. This study attempts to identify the Effect of an aerobic plus strength exercise program with two Phase II Cardiovascular Rehabilitation training modalities on the body composition of older adults with cardiovascular disease. Methods: This work corresponds to a descriptive, retrospective observational study. The pre and post results were taken from 199 records of older adults who participated in the Phase II Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program of the National Hospital of Geriatrics and Gerontology, between 2014 and 2019. The program consisted of two groups that carried out 24 and 32 work sessions that included aerobic work and muscle strength. A mixed ANOVA is performed for each variable. A statistical significance of p≤0.05 was established. Results: Body composition (body mass index improved by -0.28% with magnitude of change of -0.08 kg/m2, p=0.002; overall fat percentage improved by -1.54% with magnitude of change of -0.48%, p<0.001; muscle percentage improved 1.16% with magnitude of change of 0.34%, p<0.001). Conclusion: It is concluded that an aerobic plus strength exercise program of 32 phase II cardiovascular rehabilitation sessions could improve the body composition of older adults with cardiovascular disease.
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