Objective: to propose a physiotherapeutic intervention based on therapeutic exercises
of activation and strengthening of the central unit or CORE. Materials and methods: A
bibliographic review was made in indexed scientific journals located in databases such
as Ebsco Host, ScIELO and Medline, published in English and Spanish during the 2006-
2017 period, using lumbar pain, therapeutic exercises and spinal stability as search
terms. Of the 42 articles found, 22 scientific articles classified according to Sackett’s
level of evidence were included as follows: 2 articles of level 1 (9%), 6 of level 2 (27%),
6 of level 3 (27%), 2 of level 4 (9%) and 6 of level 5 (27%). Results: Mechanical or nonspecific lumbago is one of the most common injuries in athletes, it can be due to multifactorial causes such as neuromuscular causes, weakness of muscle chain patterns, joint instability, decreased range of joint mobility, among others. In addition, they produce dynamic and static postural changes altering the biomechanics of the lumbar, pelvic and hip spine. Conclusions: The therapeutic exercises should be focused on activating and strengthening the CORE units to counteract the instability and muscle imbalance, by means of a working protocol of the muscular chains favoring the balance and improving the dynamic postures during the sporting gesture.
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