Effect of a Phase II Cardiovascular Rehabilitation program of aerobic exercise plus muscle strength on the aerobic endurance and muscle strength of older adults with cardiovascular disease
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cardiovascular rehabilitation,
older adult
aerobir resistance
muscular strength

How to Cite

Heyden-López F. Effect of a Phase II Cardiovascular Rehabilitation program of aerobic exercise plus muscle strength on the aerobic endurance and muscle strength of older adults with cardiovascular disease. Rev Ter [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];18(2):79-90. Available from: https://revistaterapeutica.net/index.php/RT/article/view/203


Introduction: cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide and nationally. Cardiovascular rehabilitation is a therapeutic process that reduces symptoms, morbidity and mortality, improves functional capacity, quality of life and psychological well-being of people with cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular rehabilitation programs traditionally include health education focused on the control of cardiovascular risk factors, physical training, with aerobic work plus psychosocial intervention, without including the strength component. Objective: to determine the effect of an aerobic exercise plus muscle strength program of Phase II Cardiovascular Rehabilitation on the aerobic resistance and muscle strength of older adults with cardiovascular disease. Methodology: descriptive, retrospective observational study. The pre and post results of 199 older adults who participated in the Phase II Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program of the National Hospital of Geriatrics and Gerontology were taken, between 2014 and 2019, aerobic resistance and muscle strength data of older adults with cardiovascular disease were reviewed. The program consisted of two groups that carried out 24 and 32 work sessions that included aerobic training and muscle strength. Mixed ANOVA analysis of variance was performed for each variable, the results are expressed as average ± standard deviation, significance level set at p≤0.05. Results: statistically significant differences were identified in Aerobic Endurance [Six minutes’ walk (Distance walked improved with a magnitude of change of 45.8 m, p<0.001; oxygen consumption (VO2) improved with a magnitude of change of 1 ml/kg /min, p<0.001; achieved metabolic equivalent (METs) improved with magnitude of change of 0.21, p<0.001). Stress test (METs achieved improved with magnitude of change of 2.26, p<0.001; VO2 improved with magnitude of change of 5.49 ml/kg/min, p<0.001)]; as well as in muscle strength (lower limb repetitions improved with magnitude of change of 2.46 repetitions, p<0.001; upper limb repetitions improved with magnitude of change of 3.24 repetitions, p<0.001; lower limb percentile improved with magnitude of change of 18.88%, p<0.001; upper limb percentile improved with magnitude of change of 21.48%, p<0.001). Conclusion: a combined phase II cardiovascular rehabilitation exercise program could improve aerobic endurance as well as muscle strength in older adults with cardiovascular disease. Conclusion: a combined phase II cardiovascular rehabilitation exercise program could improve aerobic endurance as well as muscle strength in older adults with cardiovascular disease.

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