Benefits of the physiotherapeutic approach in the recovery of delayed onset muscle soreness and its influence on sports performance
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Athletic performance
muscle fatigue
Physical therapy

How to Cite

García Quirós DA, Cyrus Barker E, Roselló-Araya M. Benefits of the physiotherapeutic approach in the recovery of delayed onset muscle soreness and its influence on sports performance. Rev Ter [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];15(1):36-53. Available from:


Introduction: Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), is within the category of muscle strain injuries, when this happens the athlete is not able to perform their training sessions or may even lose the opportunity to compete.  The aim of this review is to establish the benefits of the physiotherapeutic approach in the recovery of DOMS and its influence on sports performance.  Methods: descriptive study of bibliographic review based on articles located in PubMed, Academic, Search Ultimate, EBSCOhost, in English and Spanish during 2015-2020, using the combination of descriptors related to delayed onset muscle soreness, muscle recovery and sports performance. 34 articles were included, classified according to the Sackett level of evidence as follows: 8 articles of level 1 (24%), 9 of level 2 (27%), 1 of level 5 (15%), 8 of level 4 (24 %) and 4 of level 5 (10%).  Results: Cryotherapy and compression therapy modalities have shown significant evidence in the treatment of DOMS, they are effective in attenuating pain, reducing inflammation. Stretching has not been shown to be effective, as it only causes temporary analgesia. Massage has shown flexibility, it can be used as a preventive and treatment technique, as it generates modulation of muscle tone and recovery of metabolic balance. In subacute stages, the application of radio frequency is indicated, as it affects the supply of oxygen and nutrients necessary for muscle recovery.  Conclusions: a critical factor that influences sports performance is the presence of delayed onset muscle soreness; multiple benefits are associated with its physiotherapeutic approach. It is essential since it enhances physical abilities and intervenes on the physiological processes that are altered with the appearance of said disorder.
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