Introduction: chronic lung disease is associated with weakness of the respiratory muscles that causes dyspnea and limits exercise capacity. There is limited national evidence of the effects of an exercise program and the use of instrumental mechanisms on lung mechanics in older adults with chronic lung problems. Objective: the purpose of this analysis was to know the effectiveness of a physical reconditioning program and the use of instrumental mechanisms. Methodology: a descriptive observational analysis of the effects of the Program for Physical Reconditioning of the Elderly with Chronic Pulmonary Disease (PRFAMEPC) was conducted, which includes the use of several instrumental mechanisms, developed at the National Hospital of Geriatrics and Gerontology, of the Costa Rican Fund of Social Security, between January 2012 and May 2018. The results of the pulmonary mechanics, before and after the program, were analyzed. Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation. For the statistical analysis, the student's t test was used for paired measures; Student's t-test was also used to separately analyze the obstructive and non-obstructive groups suggestive of restriction. The level of significance was established at p≤0.05. The statistical program SPSS 21.0 was used. Results: a total of 53 older adults were recruited. Statistically significant differences were identified in the strength (t = -3.66; p <0.05) and endurance (t = -2.80; p <0.05) of the respiratory muscles of participants with obstructive and non-obstructive pulmonary problems suggestive of restriction. In participants with obstructive problems, statistically significant differences were identified in strength (t = -2.92; p <0.05) and resistance (t = -3.13; p <0.05) of the respiratory muscles. Statistically significant differences in strength were identified in participants with a non-obstructive problem suggestive of restriction. (t = -2.56; p <0.05) of the muscles. Conclusion: it is concluded that in older adults with chronic lung disease, PRFAMEPC produced improvements in respiratory muscle strength and endurance.
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