Mild Cognitive Impairment: From the concept to the planning of physical exercise
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cognitive dysfunction
physical therapy specialty
neurogenesis (Source: MeSH-NLM)

How to Cite

Rivera Vargas J. Mild Cognitive Impairment: From the concept to the planning of physical exercise. Rev Ter [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 30 [cited 2024 Nov. 23];12(1):16-2. Available from:


Introduction: Aging implies a vulnerability on the cognitive state due to functional and structural modifications of the brain. The objective of this review is to provide tools on how to structure, form and elaborate a physiotherapy intervention adequate for the person with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) based on exercises and other relevant aspects.  


Method: A comprehensive search from primary sources from SciELO and MEDLINE databases was undertaken to base this study. All literature considered were publications from the years 2010 to 2018, in English as in Spanish idioms. The terms used were the following: Neurogenesis, exercise and cognitive impairment. A total of 65 studies were identified through primary search from which after an exhaustive review, 29 studies were included. These studies were then analyzed for quality assessment according to Sackett’s level of evidence and reported classified between levels I and III.  


Results: multimodal physical exercise has been subject of matter due to the brain benefits it provides such as synaptogenesis, improving cerebral vascularity, optimizing attentional networks and promoting cognitive abilities. The time these exercises are performed is proportional to the benefits achieved, which could lead to an equally improvement for the patients at any age and both genders with MCI. A model (An alternative model) of flexible and simple sessions of physical exercise is presented in order to be used by a physical therapist for a clinical approach of a subject with MCI.  


Conclusion: the exercises prescribed and supervised by a professional on physical therapy lead to benefits not only for the individual with MCI, but for all the support network and healthcare systems.
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