Introduction: People with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder have problems processing sound and understanding language; by having one or more structures of the auditory pathway auditory pathway affected. The cochlear implant has been proposed as a rehabilitation option. Electrocochleography applied in patients with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder, allows for a topo-diagnosis of the lesion, to obtain more reliable expectations of the auditory performance of a patient with this pathology who is a candidate for cochlear implant. Objective: To demonstrate the usefulness of electrocochleography in the evaluation protocol of patients with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder for cochlear implantation. Methods: Qualitative literature review study based on a literature search between 2020 and 2023 in the EBSCO, Scielo, PubMed and Medline databases, using as descriptors the words electrocochleography AND auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder OR auditory neuropathy, electrocochleography AND auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder OR auditory neurpathy, electrocochleography AND cochlear implant, electrocochleography AND cochlear implant, cochlear implant AND auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder OR auditory neuropathy, cochlear implant AND auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder OR auditory neuropathy, articles published from 2012 to 2024 were selected, in Spanish, English and Portuguese languages, for a total of 21 bibliographical references. Results: Auditory rehabilitation in people with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder has been a topic under discussion, while some support the idea of cochlear implant, others do not. Electrocochleography gives us the opportunity to study the site of the lesion and provides us with a more realistic prognosis in terms of approach, performance, and expectations of cochlear implant treatment. Conclusions: The application of electrocochleography in cochlear implant candidate patients diagnosed with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder has a great contribution in terms of topo-diagnosis, for the proper management of expectations, regarding the results of the implant.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Marcela Calderón-Arias, Hellen Alfaro-Cartín, Gabriela Jiménez-Coto