Introduction: Therapeutic horticulture (TH) is a nature-based practice, which is used as an interventional tool in Occupational Therapy (TO), characterized by facilitating the development of skills in different areas of occupational performance. Although there is evidence in different contexts and populations, in people with disabilities (PsD) it is minimal. Therefore. The objective of this study was to analyze the interventional practices of H.T. with PsD in the Hortiterapeutic Occupational Center (COH) of the commune of Huechuraba, considering its long history in rehabilitation and support the process of socio-labor inclusion. In addition to highlighting the socio-ecological role of TO in the promotion of sustainable practices to address the climate crisis. Methods: A qualitative approach was used, through a case study with aspects of narrative design, from a constructivist paradigm and the epistemology of OT Social Echo. Data collection was through in-depth interviews and participant observations. Results: The main findings refer to the effectiveness of HT in the development of social, motor, and cognitive skills, the increase of socio-labor participation and sense of belonging. Highlighting the historicity and innovation of the COH, by implementing TH from community, ecological and occupational foundations. Conclusion: we emphasize the importance of continuing to deepen the use of HT in PsD, to increase the research line, thus promoting the construction of ecological and inclusive communities.
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