Physiotherapeutic approach in post COVID-19 syndrome in elderly
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post COVID-19 syndrome

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Calderón Sequeira A, Carrillo Mora E, Rivera-Vargas JM. Physiotherapeutic approach in post COVID-19 syndrome in elderly. Rev Ter [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];18(2):11-29. Available from:


Introduction: to establish the effects of the physiotherapeutic approach to neuromusculoskeletal sequelae secondary to Post COVID-19 syndrome in adults and older adults.  Methodology: a monograph type study was carried out based on a bibliographic review to answer the question: what the main neuromuscular sequelae are due to COVID-19 in the adult and elderly population and what is their physiotherapeutic approach. The following search engines were used: Science Direct, Cochrane, Pubmed, SciELO, Redalyc, EBSCOhost and Google Scholar. The descriptors COVID-19, Post COVID-19 syndrome, rehabilitation, physical therapy, long COVID-19, older adult.  Articles published from the year 2020 onwards were taken into account, mainly in Spanish and English and in German. Forty-seven articles were included.  Results: the most frequent symptoms found were fatigue; dyspnea and cough. The study showed 4 main approaches which are muscle strengthening; respiratory system therapy; aerobic exercises and proprioception and balance. In each of these therapeutic approaches, the dosage used to obtain positive effects is mentioned. These approaches demonstrate benefits in the patient's functionality focusing on exercise tolerance. In addition, it increases independence in activities of daily living. Conclusions: the evidence confirms the effectiveness of the application of physiotherapeutic treatment on the persistent sequelae of COVID-19. Adherence to treatment is generated because of the positive effects demonstrated by the application of the mentioned approaches. 

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Copyright (c) 2024 Andrea Calderón-Sequeira , Ericka Carrillo-Mora , Juan Miguel Rivera-Vargas


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