A study was conducted with a 6-years-old child diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder level 2, epilepsy, and Tourette's to assess the effects of Snoezelen Therapy on stress levels and sensory hypersensitivity measured in terms of seizure episodes, tics, and blood pressure. In Costa Rica, there have been studies related to this treatment from a medical, pharmacological, or occupational therapy perspective, but not specifically focusing on Snoezelen. According to the medical history, the main symptoms included paresthesias in the limbs, seizures associated with sensory overload and stress, Tourette's episodes, auditory and tactile hypersensitivity, nocturnal tremors, and language regressions. The main sensory assessment findings revealed that loud noises, strong odors, sticky textures, mushy foods, darkness, and contact with people were stimulations that the child found unpleasant, and as a hypothesis they could trigger crises. An intervention plan was developed for two sessions in a Snoezelen room and in the child's natural environment. The number of seizures, tics, and blood pressure were measured five days before and after the first session, as well as one day before and after the second session. It was observed that both seizure episodes and tics decreased, blood pressure decreased, and the patient exhibited behaviors that are more sociable. The main lessons learned were that the multidisciplinary approach involved in applying Snoezelen treatments in a dedicated room and 24/7 care can be beneficial as an alternative therapy for this case and potentially for similar cases.
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