Prescription of cardiac rehabilitation exercises in patients with Tetralogy of Fallot and its benefits in adolescents and young adult patients
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Cardiac rehabilitation
tetralogy of Fallot
Physical exercise

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Álvarez-Cordero D, Vargas-Vargas A, Rivera-Vargas JM. Prescription of cardiac rehabilitation exercises in patients with Tetralogy of Fallot and its benefits in adolescents and young adult patients. Rev Ter [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];17(2):10-27. Available from:


Introduction: tetralogy of Fallot is a congenital heart disease that presents four different conditions; right ventricular outflow tract stenosis, a large nonrestrictive ventricular septal defect, right ventricular hypertrophy, and overriding or dextroposition of the aorta. This pathology is determined by the degree of obstruction in the outflow tract in the right ventricle, causing cyanosis. Objective: to describe the appropriate prescription of cardiac rehabilitation exercises in patients with tetralogy of Fallot and its benefits in adolescent and young adult patients. Methodology: a systematized narrative literature review was carried out, consulting the EBSCO, PubMed, Scielo, Elsevier and Redalyc databases for scientific articles published between 2016 and 2022, in Spanish or English. The descriptors used were tetralogy of Fallot, physical exercise/aerobic exercise/resistance exercise/, cardiac rehabilitation, quality of life and contraindications, and their equivalents in Spanish. 59 articles were found, repeated articles and those that do not mention the relationship between cardiac rehabilitation in patients with ToF were excluded; a total of 33 articles were included. Results: children born with ToF must undergo corrective surgery, which causes a decrease in exercise capacity, affecting their quality of life and autonomy in their adult life. However, cardiac rehabilitation interventions guarantee patients better physical (cardiorespiratory system and strength), mental (decrease in anxiety and depression) and social (participation, academic performance) conditions. Exercise programs must be individualized for patients with congenital heart disease, these programs must be without excessive restrictions on physical exercise or excessive exercise, taking into account the patient's risk classification and a series of evaluations prior to the prescription. An exercise frequency of twice a week, in direct comparison between the indexes of workload, VO2 peak (oxygen consumption), O2 pulse, peak work and resistance time, provides better use. Conclusions: cardiac rehabilitation is beneficial in patients with ToF. It is based on the prescription of aerobic exercise and resistance in order to obtain improvements in physical condition and cardiorespiratory fitness. This is safe and shows no complications as long as it is handled individually, and the proper evaluations are carried out.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Juan Miguel Rivera-Vargas, Dayna Alvarez-Cordero , Amanda Vargas Vargas


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