Introduction: changes in society related to the growing number of the elderly population have caused this age group to present greater vulnerability reflected in three risk indicators: functional dependence, economic, physical and emotional burden for families and violence. and/or abandonment. All of the above leads us to consider admitting the elderly to a long-term care home for their care. The objective of this review was to establish the intervention of the physical therapist in the process of comprehensive adaptation of the elderly person to institutionalization. Methodology: descriptive study of bibliographic review of literature, published between 2015 and 2020 available in the following databases: Scielo, Google Academic, PubMed, and BINASSS database, using as descriptors or keywords: physical therapy, adaptation, older adult and institutionalization. 60 scientific articles were chosen in full text, in English and Spanish. According to the Sacket classification, 50% of the articles present a level of evidence 4. Results: the intervention of the physical therapist plays a preponderant role in the process of adaptation implicit in the institutionalization of the elderly. Their skills allow an adequate comprehensive geriatric assessment, from the physical, functional, mental and social areas, as well as the implementation of prevention, care and rehabilitation programs in order to promote the levels of autonomy and quality of life of the institutionalized older adult. Conclusion: the physical therapist through his vision of comprehensiveness, evaluation and follow-up manages to detect risk factors early, with his intervention and the interdisciplinary approach he applies different strategies to recover, maintain and improve the functional capacity of the institutionalized older adult, in turn favors the quality of life in the new environment that favors a satisfactory adaptation.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Bernardita Salas Andrade, Daniela Rey Román, Marlene Roselló Araya, Augusto Santamaría Alfaro