Many children for different reasons, whether environmental, biological, or others, may present difficulties such as a communication disorder with persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of language. The language disorder requires the support of speech-language pathologists in its different aspects, since this is a type of specialized help that is inserted in the pedagogical process. However, due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, the use of face-to-face clinical interventions has been made impossible, due to this, the naturalistic approach has been made more visible and has become more relevant in speech-language interventions during this time, to include parents in an active and participatory way in the intervention of their child. The aim of this review was to explore in the literature how parent training programs influence the language skills of children with language disorders. This research was developed under the guidelines of the PRISMA declaration, and the search was carried out according to the PICOR method. Four studies were reviewed, one of them is an experimental study, one is a qualitative study, and two of them correspond to randomized controlled clinical trials. The results were evidenced by 3 tables that answer the research question which is: how does a training program for parents influence the linguistic abilities of children with language disorders? . In conclusion, it is obtained that parent training programs have a positive effect on children with language disorders, directly influencing their linguistic and non-linguistic skills, however, there are few high-quality studies that describe in detail the strategies or exercises used in the program and increased language levels in children.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Claudia P. Guajardo Sáez, Carla S. Figueroa Saavedra, Marcelo I. Llanquinao Catrin, Yasmín D. Ñancupil Gutiérrez, Victoria A. Riquelme Montecinos, Silvana A. Gajardo Navarrete, Gabriela A. Toro Vilugrón