Introduction: to determine the physiotherapeutic approach to factors associated with shoulder joint complex injuries during volleyball practice. Methodology: descriptive study of bibliographic review of scientific articles found in PubMed, Medline, Scielo, EBSCO, PEDro published in English and Spanish during the period 2015-2020 using descriptors related to shoulder injuries in volleyball and physiotherapeutic interventions, they were included 27 articles, classified into levels of evidence according to Sackett as follows: 27 articles were included according to the Sackett level of evidence as follows: 3 (11,11%) articles of level I, 5 (18,52%) of level II, 1 (3,70%) of level III, 12 (44,4%) of level IV and 6 (22,22%) of level V. Results: the practice of volleyball turned out to be linked to a group of risk factors for injuries at the level of the shoulder joint complex (overload, playing position, biological characterization of each athlete, among others); the presence of these conditions showed improvements when intervened through physical rehabilitation programs and the preventive measures carried out in the investigations had a favorable scope in containing the appearance of these injuries. Conclusions: the early identification and treatment guidelines for shoulder dysfunctions produced during volleyball practice are effective as they lead to pain relief and improvement of joint function. Preventive strategies show a positive influence on the control of injuries and a progress of physical abilities such as flexibility, strength, and stability at the shoulder level.
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