Effectiveness of mirror neuron-based treatment applied to patients with sequelae of stroke
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mirrior neurons
virtual reality exposure therapy

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Padilla Valverde SF, Gazel Morales A. Effectiveness of mirror neuron-based treatment applied to patients with sequelae of stroke. Rev Ter [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];15(1):79-95. Available from: https://revistaterapeutica.net/index.php/RT/article/view/119


Introduction: the objective of this narrative review was to determine the effectiveness of mirror neuron-based treatment for the functional recovery of patients with stroke aftermath. Methods: bibliographic review of the following databases: EBSCO host (Medline, MedicLatina, Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source, GreenFILE, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts), PEDro, Dialnet and PubMed. Articles published from 2016 onwards were included, that talk about mirror neuron-based treatment for recovery from stroke aftermath. 40 articles were included in the review, written in English and Spanish.  Results: there are multiple treatment alternatives based on mirror neurons, which are: mirror therapy, virtual reality, motor imagery, video-therapy and action-observation therapy. These treatments promote neuroplasticity and motor relearning. Mirror neuron-based treatment was shown to be effective for reducing pain, spasticity, and the intensity of perceived symptoms, as well as improving upper limb function, level of independence, activation lower limbs muscles, dorsiflexion range of motion, balance, gait and postural control. This was concluded after analyzing positive results and significant improvements from a total of 35 articles. Mirror neuron-based treatment in combination with conventional management or other therapeutic options has been shown to be more effective than using either of these 2 treatments alone.

Conclusions: there are multiple treatment alternatives based on mirror neurons, which, in combination with other treatment alternatives, have demonstrated effectiveness for functional recovery of patients with stroke aftermath. The evaluation of the patient is vital to understand their limitations and needs in order to perform the therapeutic combinations that will be most effective.  

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