Effectiveness of a physical reconditioning program on quality of life in older adults with chronic lung disease.
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quality of life
lung diseases

How to Cite

Heyden-López F. Effectiveness of a physical reconditioning program on quality of life in older adults with chronic lung disease. Rev Ter [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];14(2):109-1. Available from: https://revistaterapeutica.net/index.php/RT/article/view/100


Abstract: This work corresponds to a descriptive observational analysis of a physical reconditioning program for elderly with chronic lung disease, developed in the National Hospital of Geriatrics and Gerontology, between January 2012 and May 2018. With a total of 53 practitioners. Chronic lung problems have a negative impact on quality of life due to its symptoms and low physical capacity. There is limited evidence at the national level of the effectiveness of exercise on the quality of life of the elderly person with chronic lung disease. The purpose of this analysis was to know the effectiveness of a physical reconditioning program on the quality of life in elderly with chronic lung disease. Health-related quality of life was analyzed using the Saint George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), the CAT-Assessment Test and the BODE index pre- and post-program. For the statistical analysis, the Student's-t test was used for parity measurements. The results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation, level of significance established in Pp≤0.05. Statistically significant differences were identified in the SGRQ (t = 5,42, p <0,01), the CAT-Assessment Test (t = 2,30, p <0,05), the BODE index showed statistically significant differences in the total score (t = 5,16; p <0,01) and overall mortality at one year (t = 4,01, p <0,01). It is concluded that in the elderly with chronic lung disease the Physical Reconditioning Program for the Elderly with Chronic Pulmonary Disease produced improvements in the quality of life related to health.

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