Current Issue
Revista Terapéutica (Rev Ter), official scientific and technical publication of the Santa Paula University of Costa Rica, is an open access journal, peer-reviewed, published every six months (January-June and July-December), dedicated to the development of knowledge and technology in health sciences, aimed at all professionals and technicians in the area of health. Its objective is to serve as a platform for dissemination of scientific health information, mainly in areas related to therapeutics (physical therapy, respiratory therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy), audiology, early stimulation, palliative care, prehospital emergencies and disasters. Electronic version: ISSN 2215-5562. Print version ISSN 1409-3529.
Free access to full text at the following address: . The magazine is indexed in Latindex and Redib
Artículo de Revisión
Artículo Original
Reporte de casos clínicos
The Revista Terapeutica (Rev Ter), official scientific and technical publication of the Santa Paula University of Costa Rica, is an open-access journal, peer-reviewed, biannual (January-June and July-December), dedicated to the development of the knowledge and technology in health sciences, aimed at all professionals and technicians in the area of health. Its objective is to serve as a platform for the dissemination of scientific health information, mainly in areas related to therapeutics (physical therapy, respiratory therapy, language therapy and occupational therapy), audiology, early stimulation, palliative care, prehospital emergencies and disasters. Electronic version: ISSN 2215-5562. Printed version ISSN 1409-3529.
Free access to full text at the following address: The magazine is indexed in Latindex and Redib.