Realidad virtual en la readaptación deportiva: direcciones futuras de investigación. Rojas-Valverde D.
y cols. ISSN 2215-5562. Rev. Ter. Julio-Diciembre de 2024; Vol. 18 N°2: 4-10.



Virtual Reality in Sports Readaptation: Future Research Directions

Realidad virtual en la readaptación deportiva: direcciones futuras de investigación


Autor: Daniel Rojas-Valverde1,2, Jorge Salas-Cabrera3, Randall Gutiérrez-Vargas1,2, Juan CarlosGutiérrez-Vargas2, Braulio Sánchez-Ureña2.
Filiación: 1Centro de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Salud y Deporte (CIDISAD), Escuela Ciencias del Movimiento Humano y Calidad de Vida (CIEMHCAVI), Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.  2Núcleo de Estudios para el Alto rendimiento y la Salud (NARS), Escuela Ciencias del Movimiento Humano y Calidad de Vida (CIEMHCAVI), Universidad Nacional, Cosa Rica. 3Programa Integral de Rehabilitación Craneoencefálica (PRIRECRA), Escuela Ciencias del Movimiento Humano y Calidad de Vida (CIEMHCAVI), Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.

Correspondencia: Daniel Rojas-Valverde, correo electrónico:

Forma de citar:  Rojas-Valverde D, Salas-Cabrera J, Gutiérrez-Vargas R, Gutiérrez-Vargas J, Sánchez-Ureña B. Virtual Reality in Sports Readaptation: Future Research Directions. Rev Ter [Internet]. 2024;18(2): 4-10.

Financiamiento:  ninguno.

Conflicto de interés: ninguno.

Fecha de envío:   5 de febrero del 2024.

Fecha de aceptación:  26 de abril del 2024.

Rev. Ter. Julio-Diciembre de 2024; Vol. 18 N°2


Abreviaturas: VR, Virtual Reality.



This paper is concerned with the importance of virtual reality (VR) in case of readaptation in sports. It emphasizes VR’s innovative aspect of providing recovery and many other aspects associated with performance-related enhancement, injury prevention, and interdisciplinary cohesion. According to the chosen research approach, VR creates real, virtual, or simulated situations of controlled and reinforced practice where sports psychologists, health professionals, and coaches’ specialists work together. Psychosocial virtuality builds confidence, stress management, and resiliency, which may be significant factors when considering paediatric sports readaptation. It points to areas where direct attention should be given, such as security issues and the ability to play (gamification). Sports readaptation knowledge and evolution of VR with possible enhancements discussed, such as artificial intelligence integration. Within this framework, scholars utilize different sources (longitudinal studies and comparative and effectiveness research) to assess the sustained benefits of VR and analyse its strengths and limitations. The other factors which make VR widespread concern its further development into various sports disciplines, including the creation of biomechanical monitoring methods. It is promoted for the best benefit of all, including allowing everyone to use VR but not being intrusive in their activities. The manuscript highlights the innovation of VR as a paradigmatic medium for sports readaptation, with additional promises from advancements in technology, tailored care, and more high-tech solutions to achieve efficient recovery at optimum levels for athletes.



Keywords: sports rehabilitation, virtual reality, athletic training, injury prevention, biomechanics.



Este artículo aborda la importancia de la realidad virtual (RV) en la readaptación deportiva. Destaca el papel innovador de la RV al ofrecer recuperación y mejorar aspectos relacionados con el rendimiento, la prevención de lesiones y la cohesión interdisciplinaria. La RV crea situaciones de práctica controladas y reforzadas, donde colaboran psicólogos deportivos, profesionales de la salud y especialistas en entrenamiento. La virtualidad psicosocial fomenta la confianza, la gestión del estrés y la resiliencia, factores clave en la readaptación deportiva pediátrica. Se señalan aspectos críticos como la seguridad y la posibilidad de gamificación. Se analizan conocimientos sobre readaptación deportiva y la evolución de la realidad virtual, con posibles mejoras como la integración de inteligencia artificial. Académicos utilizan diversas fuentes, incluyendo estudios longitudinales e investigaciones comparativas, para evaluar los beneficios sostenidos y analizar fortalezas y limitaciones de la realidad virtual. La generalización de la RV se atribuye a su desarrollo en diversas disciplinas deportivas, incluido el seguimiento biomecánico. Se promueve el acceso universal a la RV sin intrusividad, resaltando su innovación como medio paradigmático para la readaptación deportiva, con expectativas de avances tecnológicos, atención personalizada y soluciones de alta tecnología para lograr una recuperación eficiente en atleta.


Palabras clave: readaptación deportiva, realidad virtual, entrenamiento atlético, prevención de lesiones, biomecánica.

The complicated association between sports, technology, and injury readaptation has brought a new age of innovations revived by technological breakthroughs such as virtual reality (VR) to drive better and more efficient reconditioning approaches, prevent injuries, or enhance the performance level1 . Besides the recovery after an injury, VR applied in sports readaptation encompasses performance enhancement as well as improvement of injury prevention. An athlete can train in virtual environments and simulate specific training favourable conditions that securely carry out specific movements and techniques, allowing the magnitude of controlled repetition required to build skills2 . In addition, virtual reality is rich with useful tools and technologies for movement analysis through preventive measurements3 . With this comprehensive treatment, not only does the recovery process following an injury increase in speed, but it also ultimately leads to improved and enduring performance.
          When considering the combination of VR and sports readaptation represents a new frontier in technology and rehabilitation for athletes. The purpose of this examination is to determine what future research directions are possible and how practitioners can apply them to maximise the use of VR in improving athletes’ recovery and performances. By permitting users to enter a different world, VR can be customized to cater for the explicit needs of patients, making it an interactive medium for physiotherapy. For instance, medical personnel are experimenting with ways of personalising rehabilitation scripts. Including simulating sports situations or monitoring advancement continually.


Performance enhancement and injury prevention

Virtual reality has made the concept worth focusing on people who use it in physical training grounds because sports readaptation no longer means merely healing from injuries or recover base-line functionality; VR is commonly used to improve performance and avoid other injuries or prevent injury incidence4 .

The VR comprehensive motion control, as a physiotherapy-only tool and mindset, does not grant many different aspects of procedures5 . Working with sports psychologists, physiotherapists, physicians, strength and conditioning trainers and coaches can help patients improve the physical aspects of their wounds and their emotional and psychological areas6 . Virtual reality develops from a standardized workout unit to be an all-purpose training tool, supporting professionals in creating personalised programs that consider the physical and mental well-being of each athlete.

 Virtual reality can improve performance by offering realistic and specific scenarios for skill development, enabling athletes to practice and refine techniques in a controlled yet dynamic setting7 . This heightened sense of presence and engagement contributes to improved muscle memory and decision-making, translating to better on-field performance8 . Auch a holistic approach not only reduces the post-traumatic recovery time but also significantly increases the ability to endure and sustain longer, better-quality performance in sports9 . In addition, this can help to prevent injuries through the implementation of VR in prehabilitation.

For instance, athletes who are prone to injuries such as those involving inversion of ankle joint, can train on it so that they develop their balance and proprioception10 . By addressing issues before they become injury problems, the proactive approach to injury prevention helps reduce the likelihood of being injured during actual competitions.

Further still, the technology allows for real-time biomechanics analysis and movement pattern assessment. With this information, trainers and sports scientists could then identify areas for improvement, correct posture and improve performance techniques11 . In a training schedule that incorporates VR technology however, players may receive instant feedback which will allow them to make necessary alterations thus avoiding harmful habits as a result of practice related injuries12 .

Perspectives from sports psychology

The applications of VR integration to sports rehabilitation are based on the approach that extends beyond physiotherapy. There is a multitude of disciplines where VR can be highly effectual13,14 . A rehabilitation program should be designed by the collaboration of sports psychologists, physicians, trainers and coaches as it involves much more than physical injury but psychological and emotional aspects9 . Virtual reality is used as training weapon that allows professionals working with athletes to design exclusive programs especially based on the current physical and mental health state of an athlete. Virtual reality is considered strong in facing issues of the mind that corrects playing an important role in treating sports recovery through the eye15 . Other than physical recovery, virtual technology now draws any attention among the users as they use it to become more confident; to concentrate better and stress management. At training grounds, athletes are offered very difficult virtual environments that allow imitation of competitive situations in which the ideals of persistent hardworking and resilience are formulated to achieve high-performance scenarios16,17 .
          However, from the angle of sports psychology, virtual reality computation appears to be a potent means that may resolve vital mental issues in recovery18 . Physical rehabilitation aside, virtual technology boosts events in youth athletes including confidence, concentration, and stress management16 . With the simulated competitive context, athletes can train at virtual environments that test them efficiently and stimulates adaptation leading to improvement of mental quickness19 .


Specific approaches for young athletes

Virtual reality in paediatric settings aims at sports rehabilitation and unique modality is a source of both challenges and opportunities20 . Take a safety and efficacy lens, virtual rehabilitation must focus on adjusting to the idiosyncratic needs of young athletes21 . Different gamification and playful elements are also applied to make sure that the children remain active as they continue with their recovery, thus making rehabilitation a fun and enjoyable activity21 . Virtual reality technology has application into the field of paediatric sports rehabilitation that brings about other challenges and presents opportunities22 . Concerning the safety, and efficacy of virtual rehabilitation programs targeting young athletes will require customization to higher stage development. To preserve activity and motivation in children, the elements of gamification and playful approaches are used during rehabilitation transformation into an entertainment tool23 .


Technological innovations in sports rehabilitation

Other than VR, technological revolutions continue to reshape rivalry. Biometric tracking devices, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality provide a spectrum of solutions to my problem24 . The personalization of rehabilitation regimes made possible by the access and collection of precise data on performance, which can provide real-time feedback thus prompting significant improvements25,26 . This integrated approach not only propels us, but it helps shape the future of sports medicine that integrates technology with patient care at its centre.

The technologies revolutionize not only virtual reality but also this injury practice. A single solution is provided when biometric tech, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality are integrated17 . One of the most remarkable developments elicited by changing how rehabilitation programs are customized with refined information about precise performance data and almost instantaneous feedback is. The approach offered is a holistic one that not only hastens recovery but which also carries the seeds of what sports medicine will be in the future where technology blends with patient-centered care27 .


Future research directions

Future research should aim to refine and optimize virtual environments, enhancing their ability to accurately replicate real-world sports scenarios. This involves advancing graphics, haptic feedback, and environmental simulations to create immersive and realistic training conditions. Simultaneously, investigations into tailoring virtual rehabilitation programs based on individual athlete characteristics, such as age, skill level, and psychological profiles, would contribute to more effective and personalized interventions.

The integration of AI algorithms presents an opportunity to boost the adaptability and intelligence of virtual rehabilitation systems. AI could analyze real-time biomechanical data, monitor progress, and dynamically adjust rehabilitation programs to meet the evolving needs of athletes. Longitudinal studies are necessary to assess the lasting impact of virtual reality interventions on athlete performance, injury recurrence rates, and overall well-being, providing insights into sustained benefits.

Further exploration of the psychological aspects of virtual reality in sports rehabilitation is essential. This includes understanding its impact on motivation, confidence-building, and stress management. Research should delve into the underlying mechanisms contributing to mental resilience in athletes undergoing virtual rehabilitation.

Comparative studies are crucial to evaluating the effectiveness of virtual rehabilitation compared to traditional methods, providing a comprehensive understanding of strengths and limitations. Expanding research across a wider range of sports disciplines is necessary to assess the applicability and effectiveness of virtual reality across various athletic activities. Investigating user experience and acceptance among athletes, coaches, and healthcare professionals is vital. Understanding factors influencing adoption and adherence to virtual rehabilitation programs is crucial for successful implementation. Additionally, advancing the integration of biomechanical monitoring within virtual reality platforms, potentially incorporating wearable sensors and devices, can provide more accurate tracking of movements and real-time feedback.

Ethical considerations should be at the forefront of research, exploring the implications of using virtual reality in sports rehabilitation. Clear guidelines for ethical and responsible application, addressing privacy, consent, and potential psychological impacts on athletes, must be established to ensure the ethical use of virtual reality in sports rehabilitation.



In conclusion, the integration of virtual reality in sports rehabilitation marks a transformative journey beyond injury recovery. With a focus on performance optimization, injury prevention, and multidisciplinary collaboration, virtual reality emerges as a powerful tool. Future research directions aim to refine technology, personalize interventions, and deepen our understanding, ensuring a promising and impactful future for sports rehabilitation.


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